Friday, July 11, 2008

Trailer Life!

And now for something a little more pleasant...Later this summer I am moving to the Sunshine Coast with Cael. For the time being, we are going to be living in his monster 5th wheel trailer. I like to think of it as pulling a "McDreamy". I am sure some of you watch Grey's Anatomy! This pic just does not do the place justice b/c it was from the first day or two he moved there. Now we have a nice pation set out front, a chiminea, flowers, and a hummingbird feeder. I am so excited to call it home! It is so amazing to wake up and not hear a sound besides the wind and the birds. I am so excited to be out there and start (attempting) to grow my own fruit and veggies! I am also hoping to start a compost pile if I can get the local bear population to agree to stay out!

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