Friday, July 4, 2008


I have been interested in photography for years, ever since I took a photo class in high school. I am just a newbie in the world of photography, but I am hoping to get tons of practice this summer. I recently got a digital SLR camera from Cael's dad, Joe. I am so excited to get out there in the sun this summer and take millions of pics! In the meantime, I have been checking out random pro photographers on the web. So far here are a few of my faves: These guys were named one of the top 10 wedding photographers in the world in 2007! Camilla is a great new photographer in Utah. I first heard of her oh TLC's What Not to Wear! Yes, she appeared on the show with Clinton and Stacey a few years ago! found Jessica Claire randomly Googling photographers about 6 months ago. The way she uses colour and light is absolutely amazing! I would love to have her shoot my wedding! And finally I had to mention Keay Wildlife photography! These are my friends and neighbours who I have known since I was an infant. Bill and his daughter Serena take the pics, while mom/wife Wanda runs the biz. They are able to capture the most amazing photos out in the field. They go everywhere across the world to capture these animals in the natural habitat from the sahara in Africa to capture a pride of lions to the Arctic icefields to get some shots of polar bear cubs! Definitely check out their site if you are interested in wildlife photography!!!

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