Thursday, July 24, 2008


Lately I've noticed a yoga show on tv in the mornings as I get ready for work. It seem so calming and serene, so I figured I really should try this yoga thing out. I downloaded Season 1 of Namaste Yoga (the show I keep seeing) and I tried out episode 1 today. I am VERY new to yoga and have never really practiced much before. I absolutely loved my first go, so I think I am gonna get addicted to this show!
Check out the gorgeous locations they shoot at!

Not gonna brag, but it is all filmed in the Vancouver-area! They really pick beautiful places to practice!
I figure it is about time I try yoga out, I do live in the city that started Lululemon right? The thousands of people practicing yoga here everyday can't be wrong! Now to find some cute yoga gear...

Here is a link to the show:

and to Kate Potter, the instructor who desings the workouts:


Jessica said...

I love yoga! It's very peaceful and refreshing isn't it?

Maryann said...

I admire you Jenna. I have never had the determination to stick with anything like Yoga. Actually any type of excersice at all! ha!

Jenna said...

Oh believe me Maryann, I have JUST started!!! I have never had motivation or determination to stick with anything before! We'll see! :)