Friday, September 11, 2009

New Job!

I started training at my new "old" job this week and I LOVE it! I am going to be the assistant to the Head of Upper School at a private school I worked at for two years. I left last September to move out to the Sunshine Coast and be with Cael. He and I have been doing some serious thinking lately, and we've decided that Coast life just isn't for us anymore. The town is too small, too far from family, and it is just too difficult relying on BC Ferries all the time. We had made the decision to look at moving back to Vancouver next April, when my former boss Jonna phoned me and told me of the vacancy at the school. I had to take it! This job is an amazing step up for me. The pay, the hours, the work, the people are AMAZING! I have only been there two days and I love it! No more resort working for me. Hallelujah! Finally I get to use my skills and intelligence! Yay!

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