Thursday, August 21, 2008

Am I crazy!?

So I posted a while ago about two new fitness obsessions of mine. I am head over heels for a yoga program called Namaste Yoga by Kate Potter and Shimmy, a belly dance program. I love the fact that both shows are filmed in HD in gorgeous settings, are challenging for me (b/c I am a totally out of shape beginner) and they are so much fun. I decided I wanted to buy both sets instead of using the episodes I downloaded on my laptop. I figure if I really like a music artist or movie, I should buy it b/c of all the hard work and time that goes into making it. There is only one distributor of these videos in North America so I had no choice but to pay $50 per season! That's over $200 in the last week spent on these 4 seasons....Is that completely crazy? Are all fitness DVD's that expensive? I hope I'm not wacko b/c they are so much fun! Lol! Namaste!