Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A New Baby in the Family!

So as I mentioned in my last post, Cael's brother and sister in law were expecting their first baby. Here's a little backstory: Mike and Tara were married on the beach in Hawaii a couple of years ago. While visiting Maui, they fell in love with an amazing place called Makena Beach. Makena is a beautiful white sand beach that stretches almost a mile on south Maui, and is very popular skim boarders and body borders.

So...when their first little one came around they decided to name her Makena! Little Miss made her appearance almost mid day on October 18th in Toronto after poor Tara was in labour for 31 hours. She weighed in at a whopping 9lbs 12 ounces and 21 inches! She was too comfortable in there because she decided to stay in for an extra 10 days!
Makena is such a gorgeous little baby! We can't wait to fly back to Toronto and visit the family again! She's the first baby for both families so it is extra exciting :)
As with all newborns, Makena sleeps like a little angel all day and wakes poor mom up every half an hour for feedings during the night! Let's hope for Tara and Mike that she gets over that quickly! LOL!


Maryann said...

awww omg she is precious!! So beautiful!!

Jenna said...

I love her to bits already, but unfortunately for us, they live across the country in Toronto! Oh well, a great excuse to be making more trips back east I guess!